Beyond Peat

Quick tips to get your property ready for winter’s coming.

It won’t be long before you wake up one morning with frost blanketing your lawn and garden; that’s why you have to try your hardest to take advantage of September and October to prepare for the bitter cold that awaits so many of us. Here are a few ideas to help you make spring planting a little bit easier.


Drain hoses and store them before the cold gets a chance to leave any lasting damage. Once that’s done, it’s time to shut off water to all exterior water faucets—unless your property uses frost-free faucets. If you’re using gas-powered equipment for outdoor work, drain the fuel tanks to avoid damaged carburetors and rust.

If you plant with outdoor containers, it’s best to bring those inside or in your garage to stop the cold from creating cracks and fissures.


Attempt to mow your lawn as late into autumn as possible to help avoid brown patches from popping up when the weather warms. However, don’t keep mowing once the grass stops growing. If you see bare spots of grass, feel free to toss some seed down as well. Finally, don’t leave piles of leaves on the lawn; instead, create a compost pile for them.

Apply a late fall fertilizer to help your lawn prepare for the long cold, boost its survival, and stimulate rapid growth once spring hits.


Avoid pruning trees and shrubs before winter and wait for spring. Pruned trees and shrubs need the warmer weather to fully heal. Feel free to discard annuals that have run their course and prune perennials back if they’ve become overgrown.


Add Beyond Peat Professional Organics in late autumn to garden beds to allow them the opportunity to absorb a consistent source of macro and micro nutrients over the winter. Another quick layer of mulch on top of that can help stop early weeds come spring as well.


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